8 Best Detective Sci-Fi TV Shows

There are many incredible detective sci-fi TV shows for viewers to enjoy. The most ambitious sci-fi TV shows of all time are typically remembered for their prominent stories and intriguing characters, but not all of them feature a gripping mystery to push the story forward. The best procedural TV shows are also successful for similar reasons, but the addition of a sci-fi twist often raises the stakes for characters even more.

Crime drama TV shows can become so much more when they are set in a science fiction world. It’s worth noting that detective sci-fi titles fit within a very specific TV subgenre. While there are several titles that can be considered as such, these shows stand out for featuring at least one character who takes on an investigative role and tries to solve a sci-fi related mystery. Whether it’s a near-future version of Earth or in the depths of space, there’s always a detective nearby to figure out the truth.


The X-Files (1993-2018)

11 Seasons

The X-Files

Release Date

1993 – 2017




Chris Carter


Chris Carter


Chris Carter

The X-Files stands as one of the best, if not the ultimate, titles in the science fiction genre. Across the show’s incredible 11 seasons, audiences are treated to hundreds of episodes that focus on Fox Mulder and Dana Scully’s investigations into the weird and wonderful.

The best episodes of The X-Files typically focus on a new paranormal figure, and with the additional movies to watch as well, there’s plenty of content for viewers to sink their teeth into. Throughout the show, the two face the likes of the enigmatic Cigarette Man, a creepy doll, and the villainous Syndicate group.

Scully and Mulder are two of the most iconic fictional characters of all time, and they are remembered for their incredibly gripping and well-written stories about their interactions with alien threats.

Another hugely popular part of the show is the will-they-won’t-they romance between Scully and Mulder, and even after their relationship pays off later in the show, there’s a lot more drama for the pair of FBI agents. Scully and Mulder are two of the most iconic fictional characters of all time, and they are remembered for their incredibly gripping and well-written stories about their interactions with alien threats. It’s no surprise that many are so desperate for The X-Files reboot, considering the original is such a classic.


Fringe (2008-2016)

5 Seasons


Fringe TV series Poster


Release Date

2008 – 2012


Jeff Pinkner


Jeff Pinkner

For those who also enjoy TV shows with complex storylines, Fringe is a brilliant title to check out. Fringe follows a group of FBI investigators who use the titular science process to solve unusual crimes. There is a lot of alien focus in Fringe, but the show also frequently delves into concepts like parallel universes and mythology.

While the earlier seasons typically follow a story-of-the-week format, later installments feature more overarching plotlines, but everything always comes together one way or another. Fringe’s weird cases and all of its endearing characters come from the mind of J. J. Abrams, and much like Lost, there are a lot of twists, turns, and a complicated timeline for audiences to get their heads around.


10 Best-Written Sci-Fi Of All Time

Several things work together to make a memorable sci-fi show, but more important than strong visual effects or great performances is a good script.

While the day-to-day stories of Fringe’s characters are intriguing enough, Olivia Dunham’s backstory and fight to uncover the truth about her childhood and experimentation is even more enjoyable to watch pan out. Fringe is a fantastic TV show for any sci-fi lover, but especially for those who need a new multi-reality mystery to add to their watch list.


Warehouse 13 (2009-2014)

5 Seasons

Warehouse 13 Poster

Warehouse 13

Release Date

2009 – 2013


Chris Fisher


Jane Espenson

​​​​​​Warehouse 13 focuses on Myka Bering and Pete Lattimer, two U.S. Secret Service Agents who work at the titular facility and protect various powerful out-of-this-world artifacts. All 5 seasons of Warehouse 13 follow the pair as they uncover the truth behind these strange items in the backdrop of rural South Dakota, but the show also delves further into the personal lives of its characters, too.

What’s so fascinating about Warehouse 13 is that despite being fictional, it implements details from real-life history, too. Pete and Myka’s dynamic is typical for any kind of cop TV show, but it doesn’t feel cliché. Myka’s by-the-book attitude and Pete’s rebelliousness work together hand-in-hand, and the pair are often compared to The X-Files’ Scully and Mulder, which makes sense.

While Warehouse 13 ensures that enthralling drama is always at the forefront of every story, there are plenty of comedic and more lighthearted moments that give the show a nice balance. Unfortunately, there are only 65 episodes to enjoy, but Warehouse 13 is so bingeworthy that it’s not a problem.


Altered Carbon (2018-2020)

2 Seasons

Altered Carbon

Release Date

2018 – 2019


Laeta Kalogridis

Although Altered Carbon is a rather short watch with only two seasons, it’s still worth taking a look at. Season 1 kicks off in the year 2384, in a world in which people live alongside androids and have their memories saved to a device implanted in the neck. Altered Carbon uses a similar concept as games like Detroit: Become Human, shows like Humans, and movies like Blade Runner, yet it offers a fresher take on the idea.

Takeshi Kovacs is an enthralling protagonist and is portrayed by three different actors, each of which are a different “sleeve” of the character. Takeshi Kovacs’s tattoo in Altered Carbon serves as a symbol of not just the show, but also as a reminder of the repetitive nature of time, which is fascinating.


I’m Convinced Altered Carbon Season 3 Would Have Happened If Not For This Book Change

Altered Carbon season 2 ended up being the show’s final installment by default, but I think it could have continued if not for a weird alteration.

His mission as the last Envoy sees him investigate the death of a wealthy man in exchange for leaving prison and a chance for a new life, and his story is nothing short of thrilling. Although Kovacs’ fate after Altered Carbon season 2’s ending is left ambiguous, and the 2020 anime prequel movie doesn’t clarify anything, his gripping journey is still a great one to invest in.


IZombie (2015-2019)

5 Seasons



Release Date

2015 – 2018


Rob Thomas


Rob Thomas


Rob Thomas

iZombie adds a fresh twist to the crime procedural formula through the character of Liv Moore. The show follows the medical resident-turned-zombie, who uses her job in the morgue to eat the brains of murder victims and use their abilities and personality traits to solve their deaths. Liv isn’t a detective in the traditional sense.

However, she finds herself forced into this role for the greater good, all while trying to keep her own secret under wraps from those she assists at the police department. iZombie is a massively underrated show, and it’s a shame that season 6 never happened. Despite this, there are still five incredible installments to enjoy.

Although a majority of episodes focus on a new story and victim, iZombie also features an overarching plot which involves the fallout of the zombie population rapidly growing, and the way human society tackles the problem. Ravi is another brilliant character with his own unique personality, and his own attempts to solve Liv’s affliction is a great mystery in itself, too.


Bodies (2023)

1 Season

Bodies Netflix 2023 TV Poster


Release Date

2023 – 2022


Paul Tomalin


Marco Kreuzpainter, Haolu Wang


Paul Tomalin, Danusia Samal

The recent Netflix hit Bodies follows four London detectives investigating the sudden appearance of a dead body in Whitechapel. While this seems like a simple premise, Bodies’ four timelines complicates things massively. Hasan, Whiteman, Hillinghead, and Maplewood are actually all investigating the same death, but at four different points in time: 1890, 1941, 2023 and 2053.

This standard murder mystery is flipped on its head with a sci-fi twist, which makes the rather original idea even more unique.

This standard murder mystery is flipped on its head with a sci-fi twist, which makes the rather original idea even more unique. What’s also interesting is that Bodies is based on the graphic novel of the same name by Si Spencer, but the show amazingly adds even more sci-fi elements.

Not only do the detectives need to figure out the identity of the murder, but audiences are also plagued about what the connection between the cases is. The dystopian setting in 2053 is also fascinating, and the time travel elements to villain Mannix’s story are incredible. Even though Bodies is a relatively new show, it is already a notable title in the sci-fi genre, and it’s an amazing miniseries to binge.


Alien Nation (1989-1990)

1 Season (& 5 TV Movies)

Alien Nation (1989)

Alien Nation

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Gary Graham

    Matthew Sikes

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Eric Pierpoint

    George Francisco

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Michele Scarabelli

    Susan Francisco

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Lauren Woodland

    Emily Francisco

Alien Nation, the TV adaptation of the 1988 movie, may only have one season to enjoy, but it’s the launching point for the following five TV films. Like the original movie, Alien Nation follows Detective Matt Sikes and his partner, Detective George Francisco, in a world where humanity shares Earth with the alien race known as the Newcomers. While each episode pushes a message about social issues, these lessons are often connected to Alien Nation’s story of the week.

Throughout Alien Nation season 1, Matt and George investigate several murders, most of which are linked to the Newcomers’ presence on Earth. Their detective work is generally tied to crime, but as the show progresses, George also has to learn about the mysteries of Earth society and the tension of his species living alongside humans.

Many consider Alien Nation a great sci-fi TV show despite its cancelation after one season. But thankfully, viewers can check out the original film and the TV movies Alien Nation: Dark Horizon, Alien Nation: Body and Soul, Alien Nation: Millennium, Alien Nation: The Enemy Within, and Alien Nation: The Udara Legacy as well.


Torchwood (2006-2011)

4 Seasons



Release Date

2006 – 2010


Andy Goddard


Andy Goddard


Russell T. Davies

The earlier seasons of the Doctor Who TV spinoff, Torchwood, definitely follow an investigative story-of-the-week format, and although the last two installments veer away from this, there’s still a big mystery to solve. It can be argued that Doctor Who is somewhat of a detective show, but Torchwood fits the formula far better, and there is generally an answer provided at the end of each story. The employees of Torchwood Three all come from different backgrounds and professions, but the show kicks off with the introduction of police officer Gwen Cooper and her being hired by the secret agency.

In seasons 1 and 2, the team members face a new sci-fi threat in every episode, whether that’s an alien, a time traveler, or sometimes both. Torchwood doesn’t really care where these figures come from, just why they arrive on Earth and what they’re planning to do, and so the show throws itself straight into the heart of the mystery almost immediately. Children of Earth and Miracle Day, however, focuses on a much bigger antagonistic figure which spans across their respective seasons.


Doctor Who & Torchwood Actor Is Open To Character’s Return After 15 Years (Despite Being Dead)

Over 15 years after Ianto Jones gave his life in Torchwood, Gareth David-Lloyd is still keen to return to the world of Doctor Who in some form.

The unraveling of each character’s past is enthralling, especially Jack’s, which adds to various season arcs throughout. Doctor Who explains what happens to Torchwood after Miracle Day’s divisive ending, thankfully. While Torchwood is long over now, it’s still a detective sci-fi TV show that draws viewers back in time and time again.

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